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The Ultimate Toothbrush Guide When Travelling
Verdun is a wonderful place to live, but everybody needs to get away for a little while. If you’re heading out of town for an excursion, heed
3 Health Problems Linked to Bad Oral Hygiene: What You and Your Dentist Can Do to Prevent Them
Oral hygiene goes far beyond simply brushing and flossing; although, that’s certainly where it all begins. Poor oral hygiene can actually lead to a number
Tooth Decay – What Is It and What Causes It?
Tooth decay is a common problem that can (seemingly) come out of nowhere. Alas, it’s usually a situation that’s been in the works for a
3 Key Issues that Will Define Dentistry in the Next Year
Every industry has its trend – even dentistry. In the coming year, dental professionals will encounter a number of interesting evolutions, which means dentists’ patients
We Moved
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to come see our new dental clinic located at 1010 Shevchenko Blvd. My entire team and
5 Top Tips for Terrific Teeth
Teeth that are strong, healthy, and look terrific don’t just happen. Terrific teeth require good care and proper nutrients to look and function at their
The dentist’s mini-guide to great oral health for your children
Oral health is an oft overlooked health regimen especially when it comes to the younger members of our Montreal communities of Lachine, Lasalle and Verdun. Still,
The Importance of Regular Dental Health Checkups
Your teeth serve an important function— not only are they tasked with making sure you can eat, they boost your self-esteem by ensuring you have
What your dentist should tell you about Lingual vs Traditional Dental Braces
Braces are a fact of life for many people who want a beautiful smile. Fortunately, today’s braces offer you plenty of options. While there is
Behaviour Change for a Better Oral Health Routine
Unless a tooth actually starts to hurt, most people do not pay much attention to their oral health. Unfortunately, this is a very short-sighted and
5 Of The Most Common Dental Health Problems That Your Dentist Can Help You Avoid
Dental health problems happen to everyone, sometimes even to those who practice a perfect brushing and flossing routine. The good news is that many common
Dentist’s Tip of the Month: Sugar and its effects on your teeth
A spoonful of sugar may help the medicine go down but it’ll require a whole different type of medicine to repair what it’ll do to
Everything You Need to Know About Tooth Whitening
Pigments in food and beverages can easily stain tooth enamel if proper oral hygiene is not practised. When they are not removed in time, they
Everything You Need To Know About Dental Implants
You surely already know that a dental implant is the most effective way of replacing your missing tooth. But what exactly is it? What’s an
Le Cancer Buccal
Ce vidéo est très intéressant. Il est important de faire un test de dépistage du cancer buccal une fois par année chez votre dentiste. Nous