Author: Nathalie Kadoch

Dental Health

How Your Dentist Can Help You Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking isn’t good for us. Studies have shown time and time again that the health effects are nothing but negative. That

anxiete dentaire - dental anxiety Nathalie Kadoch Dental Center in LaSalle Centre dentaire Nathalie Kadoch a LaSalle
Dental Health

Dental Anxiety & How to Overcome It

Dental anxiety is a common and leading reason why many Canadians delay going to their local dentist, even when they suffer tooth or gum pain.

Cavities | Combattre votre tendance aux caries | CD Nathalie Kadoch
Dental Health

Prevent Your Tendency for Cavities

As a favorite cosmetic dentist in Montreal, we see a variety of oral health situations come into our office. When it comes to cavities, many

Halloween et le dentiste conseils pour un bon nettoyage des dents  Centre dentaire Nathalie Kadoch

Managing That Halloween Sweet Tooth

Halloween sweet tooth Halloween is just around the corner! Costumes: check! Candy: check! Your children’s oral health? Count on the advice of our professional staff!

nouveau site web - new web site - Centre dentaire Dre Nathalie Kadoch

Take a Look at Our New Website!

Our New Website! The website of Centre Dentaire Dre Nathalie Kadoch has been revamped to improve navigation and better showcase our services. It now delivers a more