Preventative dental care

What exactly is preventative dental care? Have you ever wondered why people say you need to see your dentist every six months? After all, you brush your teeth, floss regularly, and use mouthwash, so that should take care of your oral hygiene needs, right?

Well, not exactly. You’re on the right track with great oral healthcare, but there are plenty of reasons you need to see your dentist regularly to ensure your preventative dental care needs are addressed.

At Centre Dentaire, we take your preventative dental care seriously. Here’s a look at some of the services we provide:

Our preventative dental care

Dental Cleaning

Your mouth naturally produces a sticky substance called plaque, which likes to adhere itself to your teeth enamel, especially around the gum lines. Regular brushing removes much of this material, but some of it will likely hang around long after your regular brushing and flossing have done their jobs.

Once plaque takes up residence on your teeth, it turns into tartar. Tartar can only be removed with the specialized tools found in your dentist’s office. If you leave tartar on your teeth for too long, it can begin to work its way into your gums, causing hazardous bacteria to flow into your bloodstream. The end result can lead to a number of serious health problems involving your cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Dental Sealants

Children’s teeth can be particularly susceptible to cavities, but they also have an awesome line of defense that can work in their favor known as dental sealants. Dental sealants are a thin layer of protective coating that’s brushed on the teeth to protect the enamel from invasive bacteria that can cause decay and cavities.

Dental sealants are part of the standard preventative care we provide at Centre Dentaire, particularly on our youngest patients. Sealants are an excellent way to protect permanent teeth right when they start to appear.

Regular Checkups

We recommend visiting your dentist twice a year. Besides providing cleanings that help your teeth feel squeaky clean, our hygienists and dentist will inspect your body for signs that could point to health concerns. Preventative dental care is an all-encompassing process that helps your dental team catch serious symptoms before they become threatening to your health, such as:

  • Gum disease
  • Oral cancer
  • Anemia
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • New cavities
  • Dementia
  • Respiratory disease

Many people don’t realize their mouths tell tales far beyond their smiles. Your dentist is trained to look for symptoms far beyond plaque buildup. She may, in fact, identify situations you weren’t even aware of during regular checkups. This is one of the many reasons preventative dental care could ultimately save your life.

Patient Education

What do you need to get the most life out of your teeth? Do you grind your teeth when you sleep? Perhaps you need to know how coffee and tea affect the aesthetics of your pearly whites?

Preventative dental care is just as much about questions and answers as it is cleaning your teeth. Come to your dentist with your questions and concerns. Don’t be afraid to discuss your body with your dental doctor. She’s there to listen, help, and provide guidance.

Your dentist may also notice things you’re not even aware of. For example, many people grind their teeth in their sleep and have no idea they’re doing so. Your dentist will see signs of this behavior and suggest options that will keep your teeth from wearing down and while keeping your jaw safe from unnecessary stresses. In situations such as this example, your dentist will create a night guard that protects your teeth while you sleep.

There are plenty of questions you might have for your dentist, and you can expect her to find a few things to discuss with you, too. It’s all about giving you the information you need to keep your mouth healthy and happy.

Breath Treatment

If you suffer from halitosis (the clinical term for bad breath), your dentist can help you by removing odor-causing bacteria from your tongue, teeth, and gums. Halitosis can cause severe self-esteem issues, which can be damaging to a person’s overall well-being. Nip bad breath in the bud so you can enjoy the life you’re meant to have.

Charting and Diagnostic Services

Part of proper preventative dental care means looking into the future. Our team will assess situations that might need attention in the future so you know what to prepare for. We’ll help you plan for veneers, dental implants, whitening solutions, fillings, crowns, and anything else you’ll need to to prepare for proper dental health.

If you’re looking for preventative dental care in the Lachine, LaSalle, or greater Montreal area, Dre Nathalie Kadoch and her team at Centre Dentaire are here to help! Schedule your initial appointment by filling out an online form or calling us at (514) 367-0300.

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