Dental Sealant for Children

Scellant dentaire - Centre dentaire Nathalie Kadoch a LaSalle

Dental Sealant for Children

The development of healthy teeth is essential in childhood to ensure good oral health in adulthood. To prevent problems such as cavities, dental sealant is an essential solution.

What is dental sealant?

Dental sealant is a protective layer made of composite resin that is applied to fill the natural grooves on the occlusal (top) surface of molars and premolars to make them smooth since these teeth are more vulnerable to food residues and bacteria.

Even with good brushing, children sometimes fail to remove food debris that gets stuck in the grooves.

Why apply a sealant?

Since these teeth are more vulnerable, dental sealant is an effective preventative method to reduce the risk of tooth decay. It helps your children and teenagers develop healthy oral habits while providing ongoing protection.

The procedure is completely painless and can be performed very quickly, in a single session, without the need for anaesthesia. Your child should avoid chewing sticky foods right after the treatment. The sealant gradually wears out, but it will last a few years.

It’s an affordable procedure that could save you from more expensive treatment. More importantly, it gives your child a good start with healthy permanent teeth.

Book an appointment at Centre Dentaire Dre Nathalie Kadoch to protect your child’s teeth with dental sealant.

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