Food & Dental Health Series: Slow Down On Those Sweets!

You’ve been told that sweets are bad for your teeth since you were a little kid, but what exactly does that mean?

Is sugar alone bad for your teeth? Are some types of sugar worse for your enamel than others? Is there anything you can do to protect your teeth from the backlash sugar brings?

The team at our LaSalle dental clinic fields questions like this on a regular basis, so we thought we’d take this opportunity to explain exactly why you should slow down on those sweets— from an oral-health perspective—and why some of our dental implant patients would likely share their stories about how an overabundance of sweets is something they may have done differently if they had the chance.

1. Hard Candies Aren’t as Innocent as They Seem

If the candies you’re letting dissolve in your mouth aren’t sugar-free, you’re setting yourself for a number of problematic situations.

For starters, when you let sugar sit in your mouth for extended periods of time, it attaches itself to your enamel and gum lines, ultimately eating away at the protective barriers your body’s put into place.

Hard candies of any sort—sugar-free or not—can cause damage if you have a habit of biting down on them. You might be surprised at how many chipped and cracked teeth occur from run-of-the-mill hard candies.

2. Citrus Isn’t Always Such a Great Idea

Think you’re off the hook because the sweets you crave come to us from Mother Nature? Think again!

Citrusy foods tend to be built with an overabundance of acid, which means the enamel on your teeth is susceptible to damage if you don’t brush your teeth shortly after you’re finished indulging in your sweet snack.

3. Steer Clear of Gummy Goodness

Gummy candy—including dried fruit—sounds good in theory, but it can have devastating effects on your teeth enamel. Sticky foods have a tendency to, well, stick around longer. The gooey goodness turns into bad vibes, breeding bad bacteria that can ultimately cause tooth decay and gum disease.

At Centre Dentaire, some of our patients came to our LaSalle clinic for dental implants because they were lifelong fans of sugary foods. Others simply need regular cleanings.

No matter why you’re searching for a LaSalle dental clinic, we’d be happy to help. Call us at (514) 367-0300 if you have any questions!

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