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The Truth About Oral Cancer Statistics

Oral cancer—just like any cancer—is a scary subject. There are often a lot of myths surrounding the topic. When patients review Montreal clinics as potential providers for dental implants, it’s important they get all the facts.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the facts and myths surrounding oral cancer and dental implants:


Around 4,700 Canadians were diagnosed with oral cancer in 2017. Around 1,250 died from the disease—68% of whom were men and 32% of whom were women.

The numbers are even more staggering in the United States, with somewhere between 40,000 and 50,000 individuals being diagnosed each year and around 8,000 dying from oral cancer.


The death rate of oral cancer is particularly high, relative to other cancers, because it’s typically not detected until it’s developed into later stages or spread to other parts of the body. People often don’t experience symptoms of early-stage oral cancer, putting them at risk for tumors that can quickly metastasize into other areas of the body or more deeply into the tissue in which the initial tumor first originated.

It’s important to see your dentist regularly so she can inspect the health of your mouth, throat, and neck on an ongoing basis. She’ll be able to detect signs of potential problems and identify changes that may be cause for concern before they evolve into serious complications.

HPV and Oral Cancer

Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been linked to an increasing number of oral cancer cases in recent years. According to the CDC, around 7% of people have oral HPV, and around 1% of people have the type of oral HPV associated with head and neck cancers.

Oral HPV is four times more common in men than women, infecting around 9,000 people in the United States each year.

Oral Cancer Symptoms

Every patient is different, but there are certain symptoms that typically stand out for most people, including:

  • Soreness or irritation in the mouth that won’t go away
  • Lumps, thick tissues, or crusty areas in or around the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing, speaking, or moving your tongue
  • A change in your voice

Do you have questions about the dental implant reviews you’ve read for Montreal oral health facilities? At Centre Dentaire, we welcome all questions, and we’ll do everything we can to give you the answers you need to feel comfortable with your decisions. Please reach out to us today to schedule an initial consultation.