What Are Dental Onlays and Inlays?

If your rear teeth have suffered mild to moderate decay, there are plenty of ways our downtown Montreal dentist office can help you. Sometimes, crowns are needed to repair damaged teeth, but in cases where the damage isn’t quite severe enough to warrant crowns, we use dental onlays and inlays. This restoration method is also great for people who have cracked or fractured teeth.

What’s the Difference Between Dental Onlays, Inlays, and Fillings?

When most people think of the ways dentists fix decayed teeth, they automatically think of fillings. While we certainly perform our fair share of fillings, they’re not always the best option.

Onlay and inlay work is typically applicable when patients fall in the area between getting a filling—because the tooth is too damaged or decayed for the structure to soundly hold the filling material—but still sufficiently healthy enough to avoid needing a crown. This restoration method is also used when old fillings need to be removed or replaced.

When dentists use dental onlays and inlays, they’re able to conserve more of the patient’s original tooth than they are with crown procedures.

Dr. Nathalie Kadoch is the dentist downtown Montreal patients rely on when they have damaged or decayed teeth. She’ll work with you to help you understand the best method for your unique oral health situation.

Benefits of Onlays and Inlays

Besides preserving as much of your original tooth structure as possible, dental onlays and inlays offer other benefits, as well.

  • Durability. Onlays and inlays are made of an incredibly durable, hard-wearing material that’s meant to last for decades.
  • Strengthening Support. Traditional metal fillings can actually decrease the strength of the original tooth structure. Onlays and inlays, on the other hand, help support teeth, strengthening them by up to 75 percent. This helps facilitate overall longevity of the tooth.

How Dental Onlays and Inlays Work

The procedure for both options is quite similar. The difference is the final product. In either case, you’ll need two appointments: one to prepare the tooth and one to bond and polish it.

  • Inlays are similar to fillings, in that they’re placed inside teeth.
  • Onlays extend beyond just the internal filling, extending over the top edges of the treated tooth.

Centre Dentaire is the dentist downtown Montreal residents trust. If you’re ready to love your smile, come see us! You can schedule an appointment online, or call our office at (514) 367-0300.

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