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Pourquoi les dents se brisent à l’âge de 40 ans  Dre Nathalie Kadoch

Why do teeth start failing past 40?

The forties are often considered a critical period for overall health, including oral health. This is when many people begin to notice physical changes, such as more fragile teeth. So, what is causing weakened teeth? Centre Dentaire Dre Nathalie Kadoch answers the question for you!

Main causes

Natural wear and tear

Over time, your teeth become naturally more fragile and wear down due to chewing, biting and grinding, which can erode tooth enamel, making them more susceptible to failure.

Dietary habits

A diet high in sugar and acidic foods can significantly weaken dental enamel.


Teeth grinding or clenching, which often occurs at night, can wear down your teeth and cause fractures. Stress can exacerbate this bad habit.

Dry mouth

Medication or certain medical conditions, often more frequent with age, can contribute to a decrease in saliva production, which is essential to neutralize the acids produced by bacteria. As a result, dry mouth increases the risk of tooth decay and fracture.

Untreated dental problems

With age, the accumulation of problems such as untreated cavities as well as ageing or incorrectly adjusted fillings can weaken the dental structure, which can lead to breakage.

Corrective actions

To avoid dental fractures and help prevent your teeth from becoming brittle past age 40, Centre Dentaire Dre Nathalie Kadoch recommends:

  • Maintaining good oral hygiene;
  • Eating a balanced diet;
  • Wearing an occlusal plate; and
  • Visiting your dentist regularly.

By taking care of your teeth and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, you can significantly reduce the risk of dental fractures. Book an appointment today at Centre Dentaire Dre Nathalie Kadoch. Our team will be happy to help you take care of your oral health!